Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Busta...Short for Bustamove.

So in December, when Afton, Maggie, and I took a trip to the valley, Afton and I saw a guy in the mall playing with some toy that looked like an animal. It looked like a really small snake, but it had hair. But we knew it wasn't real, so we were tripping out. We ended up just walking off after a minute though. Well last night Maggie, Afton, and I were checking out of walmart and Maggie picks up this thing that came in a small container and I hear her say "Squirme?" I immediately knew what she was talking about and I was so excited. So I bought it. It's so entertaining. And this blog is probably making no sense at all, so I took a video as an example of what a squirme is. You'd love to have one.


Jessica said...

You didn't add the video! I want to see it! I think I've heard of it & seen the box or something, but never seen "it".

Barker said...

me too! vid - e - o! vid - e - o!

Matt and Heather said...

Dido... about the video...

Alisyn said...

I've been trying everyday to get the video to work...and it won't upload. Help?